• TypeFrag has been acquired by LightSpeed Gaming

    Your service and control panel were migrated. Billing due dates have not been migrated yet.
    If your service is offline or unable to connect to please login and submit a trouble ticket right away.

    • TeamSpeak

      • Highly Recommended
      • Mobile & Desktop Client
      Learn More
    • Mumble

      • Web Client
      • Mobile, Desktop & Web Client
      Learn More
    • Ventrilo

      • Legacy Users

      • Desktop Client only
      Learn More
  • Instant Server Setup

    Ventrilo, Mumble and TeamSpeak servers setup instantly.

  • Free Customer Support

    Friendly and helpful support agents to answer your questions.

  • Highest Quality Voice

    High quality Mac, PC, iPhone and Android compatible sound.

  • Performance Network

    99.7% uptime guaranteed with low pings and zero packet loss.

  • Free Control Panel

    Easily configure your Ventrilo, Mumble or TS3 server.

  • Money Back Guarantee

    Total satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

TypeFrag has been acquired by LightSpeed Gaming LLC

Friday, May 1st, 2020

TypeFrag Voice Servers subscriptions will be migrated to the LightSpeed Gaming LLC network of websites and control panels pending notification.

LightSpeed Gaming operates Mumble.com Ventrilo4.com and TeamSpeak3.com for Mumble, Ventrilo and TeamSpeak servers respectively since 2004.

Soon you will be able to login at any of those websites plus TypeFrag.com to access your migrated account.

  • "I have used a few different Ventrilo and TeamSpeak hosting providers and none of them compare to TypeFrag. I have been a customer for a few years and would never go back to any other provider. They have an amazing control panel and extremely helpful and responsive customer support. Their systems are extremely reliable. In all the years I have been with TypeFrag, there has never been an outage. I am a very happy customer and enjoy all the features of their service."
    Eric Wood
  • "I have been with TypeFrag for almost 10 years now. They are hands down the best Ventrilo hosting provider by far! The customer support is simply amazing. This is the place for Ventrilo, Mumble or TeamSpeak hosting."
    Varindar Sudhir
  • "I think TypeFrag servers are top notch. I've used several servers paid for by others on the TypeFrag network and they were great. When I was looking for my own Ventrilo server, I came straight here. I've had nothing but a pleasant experience with TypeFrag."
    Ryan Perry - California
  • "I have been very pleased with TypeFrag. I have been a customer for 17 months and I must say that the customer service is excellent! We experienced an issue many months ago and the issue was resolved quickly and with no hassle. TypeFrag has a loyal customer."
    Scott Quihuis - Alabama
  • "TypeFrag is definitely one of the top Ventrilo services out there that brings quality to the table time and time again. If I had to recommend one company for voice communication to colleagues, team-mates and friends -- it would be TypeFrag."
    Bruce Drope - Georgia
  • "I recently switched from Anvox.com Ventrilo servers to TypeFrag based on a recommendation from a friend and I'm so glad I switched! Your hosting service is the best I've used so far, and it's affordable!"
    Cong Qin - Canada
  • "If someone I know asked me about Ventrilo hosting, TypeFrag would be my first thought. I love your hosting, and have never had any major problems. Whenever there were problems, your support staff was quick to respond and with the right answers. Keep up the good work!"
    Mat Morton - Connecticut
  • "I have been a customer of TypeFrag's for almost a year. I have never had our server crash or experienced bad performance. They do an excellent job and I will continue to do business with them in the future!"
    Paul Stryker - Illinois
  • "As the leader of a full-time raiding guild in World of Warcraft, I have to have a Ventrilo server I can count on. The success of any team in a game hinges upon their ability to communicate. TypeFrag has never let me down."
    Rex Page - California
  • "I have been using TypeFrag for well over a year now. Never once has I been dissatisfied with anything. I get top quality customer service that responds in an extremely timely manner. I got a stable, high-tech server that is reliable in every aspect. In my opinion, there isn't anything better."
    Mark Schell - Texas
  • "I have used TypeFrag for about two years now for personal communication and have absolutely loved it. The instant set up of my Ventrilo server and fast connections have impressed my friends enough that they also purchased Ventrilo servers from TypeFrag."
    Jon Moritz - Massachusetts
  • "You have been one of the best Ventrilo server hosting companies I have ever used. Ventrilo has been very easy to use and very helpful for gaming communications. Thank you TypeFrag for putting this all together!"
    David Lyons - Tennessee
  • "I believe that TypeFrag servers are by far the most cost effective severs on the market. And with speedy response I couldn't be happier with my subscription. Thank you for providing me with the ultimate gaming experience."
    Devin DeMynn - Missouri
  • "I really appreciate your low down times and good service. Many people I know complain about how long it took to set up their accounts with other companies, and how often there are downtimes. I guess I am spoiled because I have never had any trouble, and the set up was almost instant! Thank you kindly for the great job!"
    Erin Koski - California
  • "I lead a guild and we use TypeFrag daily. It is by far the best Ventrilo hosting company on the Internet. I know because I went through a few before I found this one. Never down! Lag free! In one word: Awesome!"
    Bruce Kennedy - Ontario
  • "TypeFrag is the best Company I have ever been with for voice servers. They have extremely good support, and are always there to answer any questions that you have. Their control panel is top of the line and easy to use. My life a lot easier thanks to Typefrag."
    Jaimy Thornton - Washington
  • "Used other companies service before switching, never regretted it since. Other people I know use other services and are constantly going down or having issues. Price + Control + Up time = Awesome Service. Thanks TypeFrag."
    James Nelson - Alaska
  • "After trying three other 'top' Ventrilo services I felt that poor customer service and even poorer performance was as good as it was going to get. With TypeFrag the customer service exceeds my expectations and is overshadowed by the flawless performance of my server."
    Ken Strom - Arizona
  • "I've been a customer for over a year, and would stay with you guys for many more to come. The voice quality is great, the pings are usually low, and I have little to no problems with the server and control panel."
    Joshua Jones - Oregon
  • "I have been a customer now for over 2 years and TypeFrag has been by far the best voice service provider! As long as I have been a customer, my server has only been down once and only for about a half hour! Keep up the great work!"
    Joshua Okasaki - California
  • "I heard about TypeFrag while listening to The Instance World of Warcraft podcast and absolutely love their service! Fantastic website, great quality service and superb, timely customer service. I can't recommend these guys enough!"
    Jeremy Moles - Georgia
  • "I used TypeFrag for all my gaming needs. It is the best service provider I have ever used! Between hosting a Ventrilo Server for my World of Warcraft guild and Counter-Strike team, TypeFrag always provides amazing service with amazing clarity."
    Dave Willig - New York
  • "I decided to buy a Ventrilo server because I was sick of the low quality that TeamSpeak provides. I found TypeFrag, signed up, and had a Ventrilo server up and running in seconds. It was awesome. Thanks TypeFrag!"
    Adam Hajnos - Illinois
  • "I have bought many different Ventrilo servers from many different companies; however, the TypeFrag experience has been the best. The quality of the Vent server has exceeded every expectation and \"standard\" their competitors have set for themselves. I guess you can say that TypeFrag is simply the best."
    Matthew Lee - California
  • "I've had my TypeFrag server for about a year or so and I love it. Great quality servers, amazing website, and so easy to use. It may cost a bit more than other, but I've never had it crash or go down!"
    James Knecht - Maryland
  • "The turn around time for support issues is very fast, within 10 minutes of me sending an email, I had a response and the issue was resolved soon there after. The server quality is first rate, great ping times, and downtime is non-existent."
    Tim Voss - Kentucky
  • "I got a Ventrilo server from TypeFrag to talk to my friends while we play games. TypeFrag is the best Ventrilo host on the internet and I will never host anywhere else. TypeFrag is worth every penny and their customer support can only be described as superb. Thank you for supplying me with such excellent service!"
    Alan Smith - United Kingdom
  • "I love the stability and smoothness of the service. The ease for users to make changes on the fly is excellent! I love the self service tools and not depending on a technician to take care of things for me."
    Joshua Sopuch - New Jersey
  • "Awesome service. Easy to maintain and still gives you the flexibility to control everything at your fingertips. Our Ventrilo server is very dependable. We've never have had any interruption of service."
    Damien Garaycochea - Utah
  • "TypeFrag has had constant uptime, except for twice... each less than an hour. Their Ventrilo servers are fast and never lag. From fast pace gaming or dealing with customers who buy my self-made games online, TypeFrag has remained a staple of my gaming and business online."
    Keith Connolly - Arizona
  • "TypeFrag has excellent voice quality and fantastic customer service. Even with 50 or more people on our Ventrilo server at once we have no problems at all. I would recommend TypeFrag to anyone looking for Ventrilo hosting."
    Ben Collina - Massachusetts
  • "I have been using TypeFrag's service for a year. This is business as it should be done. Top quality service and support. They sell an excellent product as dependable as the sun rising in the morning. Thank you!"
    Benjamin Heise - Maryland
  • "TypeFrag's support staff does an outstanding job. I had an issue setting up my Ventrilo server for my gaming friends. I asked for help more than my share of times and the support staff responded with helpful information and results quickly. I am very pleased with the help and support TypeFrag has provided."
    Keith March - Illinois
  • "TypeFrag has been perfect for me. I opened up an account back in January, 2006 and have never looked anywhere else for another Ventrilo server. My World of Warcraft guild on Runetotem loves it and we use it everyday!"
    Joshua Moris - California
  • "I have been a TypeFrag customer for over two and a half years and have loved the company since the beginning. Their voice quality is the best I've seen and the Control Panel is one of the easiest and best functions any company has provided. TypeFrag is the best company I've used and the only one I'll ever use."
    William Boudreau - Arizona
  • "My guild tried TeamSpeak and it was like talking to each other through tin cans and a rope. My brother suggested we try vent. His clan used TypeFrag. The service is great the quality impeccable. I am hooked and we love it."
    Steven Leflar - Colorado
  • "I have used a few other Ventrilo hosts before, and your service is by far the cheapest and easiest to use that I have seen out there. I am really glad I was referred to your site. Thank you all for providing such great service."
    Geoff Moses - Texas
  • "I have used many other people's Ventrilo servers and have always had connection issues. Since I started our guild's Ventrilo server with TypeFrag I haven't had any connection issues. TypeFrag's Ventrilo servers are the best; everyone should get one."
    Tony Baker - Connecticut
  • "I was looking for a Ventrilo server and I asked a friend what he would recommend. He gave me this site I looked around and I wasn't sure, he told me that this site has the best servers around along with the most user-friendly Control Panel. So I gave it a try and I'm happy to say he was right. Nothing beats TypeFrag."
    Aaron Jones - California
  • "After the first day I signed up I knew I had the best Ventrilo server. Just pay and your server is online in a couple of minutes. The customer service is also great with fast response and good solutions. I am a happy customer with two Ventrilo servers hosted at TypeFrag."
    Alex Kong - Netherlands
  • "I have been using TypeFrag's hosting services for over two years and have been very satisfied. Service has been great and connectivity to the servers has been outstanding. I plan to continue using TypeFrag for a long time."
    Joseph Lariviere - Maine
  • "I've been very satisfied with your company and service. I've never seen it down for more than a few minutes if ever. You're reliability is excellent and I will continue to use TypeFrag as my Ventrilo provider."
    Brett Jones - Pennsylvania
  • "I got a Ventrilo server from you guys because I heard you were good, but good don't explain it: try perfect without a flaw. TypeFrag is the best I'll never buy elsewhere not even if they gave it to me free! TypeFrag is worth every penny!"
    Kenneth Williams - Virginia
  • "Ventrilo is not just an easy way to communicate. I've used it to meet with friends, both in games and at school. It creates a sense of community that is easily accessible even if you're out of town or busy with work."
    Mike Dawn - Michigan
  • "I had used TypeFrag for over a year and I know that their prices are some of the best. Not only prices but their services are great, the one to two times their server ever had anything wrong with it, the staff was already working on the problem before I even put in a ticket."
    Ted Hsueh - California
  • "The friendliness of the control panel interface is amazing. I've had a Ventrilo server for over a year and I can recall two times that the server has actually gone down (most times for less than an hour) which is very impressive."
    Willi Coons - Wyoming
  • "As the guild master of an end-game World of Warcraft horde guild, It's obviously a big part of my job to provide a good voice communication server for the rest of the guild to use. TypeFrag has been just about as good as I can imagine, and I would rate it far above any of the services I've used before."
    Alex Bittinger - Oregon
  • "I have been using TypeFrag for over a year, before this I tried many different companies that either priced too high, or voice quality too low. Here at Typefrag.com I have had great customer service, great pricing and a control panel where I am in charge. Thanks a lot TypeFrag."
    William Davis - Washington
  • "Our server has been up 99.9% of the time since I got this server over a year ago. It makes communication a breeze while playing with 50+ people simultaneously in a MMORPG with people logging on from all over the globe. Nothing but the best of service!"
    Jordan Larson - Minnesota